Sarah Michelle Gellar on The Tonight Show

[ Applause ] let's kill some vampires. My first guest, a beautiful, talented, young actress, stars in the popular series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." The new season premieres Tuesday, September 29th. Please welcome Sarah Michelle Gellar.
[ Cheers and applause ] : I like that dress.
[ Sustained applause ] many vampires in the upper deck, apparently. What animal pattern is that? I'm trying to figure out, is that --
Sarah: Leopard.
Jay: Leopard.
Sarah: Small leopard.
Jay: Small leopard.
Sarah: Baby leopard. But fake baby leopard.
Jay: Fake, that would be leopard petite.
Sarah: Petite leopard.
Jay: Petite leopard. Now, see, this will wind up in the tabloids or something. "Sarah kills leopard to gain --" you know.
Sarah: I would never kill an animal for a dress, maybe for shoes. I'm totally kidding.
Jay: Oh, for shoes?
[ Laughter ]
Sarah: Totally kidding. Just kidding.
Jay: Well, let me ask you something. You know, 'cause I always tell the staff, go through the tabloids, see what we can find on them.
Sarah: You're a tabloid reader.
Jay: Well, you know, I find it fascinating, because I meet so many of you guys that are in there, and I have jotted down some notes. Now, I've got -- this was just like two weeks ago, "Buffy fights ticket and wins." Now, apparently you were going --
Jay: -- Speeds in excess of 100 miles an hour.
Sarah: No, my car doesn't even go 100 miles an hour.
Jay: So did you get a ticket?
Sarah: No, I didn't get a ticket. But somebody on my show almost got a ticket. He's a very nice camera loader named Pat. He was very, very tired after a very long day of slaying vampires. He was driving a little bit out of the lane. He was a little tired, and he got --
Jay: Now, we call that drunk driving in california. [ Laughter ]
Sarah: No, but see he was sober.
Jay: Oh, he was sober, okay.
Sarah: He was just tired from his long hours on the show. And the cop pulled him over, thought he was drunk. And made him, you know, almost take a breathalizer test. He said, "really, I'm just tired from work." And the cop's like, "yeah, yeah, where do you work?" And he said, "oh, 20th century fox." And he says, "well, what do you do?" He said, "I work on a television show." Cop said "yeah, really, what television show?" "'Buffy the vampire slayer.'" Cop's like, "no way, are you serious?" He says, "look in my window." And he had his little "Buffy" sticker. The cop's about to write up this ticket. And he said to him, "I'll make you a deal. You get me an autographed picture of Buffy for my child" -- not for him, for his child.
Sarah: For his child, which had the same name as his badge, go figure. And he said it was a girl, but anyway, he's like, "you get a picture for my child, I won't give you a ticket." So Pat came in, I gave him the picture, and now I own Pat.
Jay: Oh, that's good. So now he has to do whatever you say?
Sarah: Uh-huh.
[ Applause ]
Jay: You know, I want to know -- the part I find intriguing -- where do I get one of these little Buffy stickers for my car?
Sarah: It's a parking ticket.
Jay: Oh, it's just a parking --
Sarah: It's his number. It's like 54.
Sarah: So that tabloid story was false.
Sarah: False.
Jay: False. Okay, this one, here you go. Now, this one, a little more salacious.
Sarah: Uh-oh.
Jay: "Buffy kisses girl. Buffy caught in lesbian triangle."
[ Laughter ] I want to believe this one.
Sarah: It's sort of true.
Jay: Sort of true? Now, is there something there?
Sarah: I was doing a movie in new york this summer called -- I did two movies in new york, actually, but the first one was called "cruel intentions."
Jay: Right.
Sarah: And it is a remake of "dangerous liaisons," "les liaisons dangereuses."
[ Laughter ]
Sarah: A french movie!
Jay: A french movie, that would explain kissing the girl.
Sarah: No, no, no, no, no. But you have to update the movie, so instead of taking poor cecile under my wing, I seduce poor, young cecile, so it was my first on-screen kiss with a female, thelma blair. And we were in the middle of central park. It was my first day working in new york, and we had a crowd of about 300. And it was probably the scariest moment of my life. And I thought, at least, you know, it will be in the movie. You know, no one has a camera. And sure enough, I get a call the next day that it's in all the tabloids that I'm kissing a girl. But see, unlike you, I don't want to buy the tabloids.
Sarah: The tabloids?
Sarah: But I wanted to see it. So this very nice actor named scott foley, who is on "Felicity," which is the new show after "Buffy," I made him at midnight go downstairs from the hotel that we were all staying in and purchase all of them.
Jay: So he bought them.
Sarah: With his money, not my money.
Jay: Oh, I see, so it doesn't count.
Sarah: No. It doesn't count. I didn't actually buy it.
Jay: Boy, you're pretty clever.
Sarah: Ah-hah!
[ Laughter ] see, it was just in the movie, but you can all see it when the movie comes out.
Jay: So that's it. It was just -- it was an acting kiss, it wasn't --
Jay: Okay, lesbian triangle, false.
Sarah: False.
Jay: Last one. Here you go. "College students play drinking games when 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' is on." This is another one I saw. Apparently, it's something, is this true?
Sarah: This is true.
Jay: This is a true one!
Sarah: But I tell you what I just learned, though. It is a nonalcoholic drinking game.
[ Coughs ] anyone out there play it?
Jay: Yeah, well, let clinton tell you sex isn't, too.
[ Laughter ] nonalcoholic? Well, that's not a game. Then you just urinate. What fun is that?
Sarah: Stretch it. You know.
Jay: There are others that perhaps take it --
Sarah: But if you're under 21, you should play it with, you know, a fruitopia.
Jay: How do you play it?
Sarah: The way you play it is, there's certain things you have to look for. And every time you see something happen on the show, you take one sip, two sips, gulp or drink the entire bottle of whatever you're drinking.
Jay: Oh, I see, okay.
Sarah: So certain things like every time you see Buffy's bra strap, take a drink.
[ Man in audience howls ] not wearing one.
[ Laughter ]
Jay: No, that seems like it would encourage you to drink a lot. I mean, does that happen a lot? Do you show your bra? I mean, do you do this with the students?
Sarah: The shirt just to the side. Well, you know, you're fighting, you're active and shirts have a tendency to move. It would be better than if I was fighting, say, without a bra.
Jay: Right.
Sarah: So that's just better. [ Laughter ] okay, thanks. So there's every time you hear a Buffyism.
Jay: Now, a Buffyism -- now, what would a Buffyism be?
Sarah: "Let's motorvate." Which is like -- like let's motor and motivate, it's motorvate. "Willow, how's your egg?" That's one of our personal favorites. We did this episode where we all had baby eggs and we'd call them and go, "how's your egg?" Every time giles says he needs to look something up in a book.
Sarah: True.
Jay: True. Okay, so two out of three are false, but that one was true. So that's not that bad.
Sarah: Not, not too bad.
Jay: Now, you've been acting since you were like what, 3 or 4?
Sarah: I was four when I started.
Jay: Okay, and that was only a couple years ago.
Sarah: Like three, four years ago.
Jay: Yeah, just about. Well, you know, I always try to find something to embarrass you. And I found this commercial from -- this is 1982. This is you in, I think, Burger King. Take a look.

[Burger King Commercial]
Sarah: Do I look 20% smaller to you? I must to McDonald's. When I order a regular burger at mcdonald's, they make it with 20% less meat than burger king. Unbelievable!

Jay: You know, it's interesting how your --
Sarah: Actually, I almost wore my hair like that tonight.
[ Applause ]
Jay: -- How your hair has naturally gotten lighter over the years.
Sarah: Oh, are we going to bring this up again? You brought this up last time.
Jay: It's just odd to me.
Sarah: I was also a brunette. This summer, I was also a redhead in the second movie that I did. "Vanilla fog," I was a redhead.
Jay: Okay. Now, you have another show you're working on. What is this?
Sarah: I have two movies out, and I'm the host of World Animal Day for animals.
Jay: World animal day, that would explain the leopard?
Sarah: Fake leopard.
Jay: The fake leopard.
Jay: Now, what is that one about? What is that all about?
Sarah: World Animal Day is a day of consideration for your animals.
Jay: You don't eat any animals that day.
Sarah: No, don't eat any animals, don't wear any animals, don't hurt any animals.
Jay: Right, right.
Sarah: It was great, though. I got to work with a tiger, and a chimp, and doggies. And I got to bring my doggy.
Jay: Okay.
Sarah: And I think that's it -- and a kangaroo.
Jay: Oh, and a kangaroo?
Sarah: Kangaroo didn't like me very much.
Jay: Really?
Sarah: No.
Sarah: 'Cause they can punch.
Sarah: No, he didn't punch me. He just was sort of very unfriendly. He was not a friendly kangaroo.
Jay: No, well, hey, you win some, you lose some. Welcome to hollywood, you know? And the new show starts -- the new season starts next week?
Sarah: Tuesday, 8:00.
Jay: Okay. Hey, always good to see you. Thanks, kiddo. Sarah Michelle Gellar. Be right back with 6-year-old Jerry Bivona right after this.

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